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Orange Miracle Cleaner 100% Pure Food Grade D-Limonene 16. Oz - Adhesive Remover - You will be completely amazed at the power of this Miracle Cleaner!

Limonene is a naturally occurring compound found mainly in the skin of certain plants and fruits, including lemons and oranges. It is used in cleaning products for two reasons: it has a pleasant, lemon-orange smell, and it acts as a solvent to help clean.

D-limonene cuts through grease and oil with surprising effectiveness. Its chemical structure allows it to break down these substances, making it easier to clean them off surfaces

Exact directions and mixing instructions for cleaning products with D-Limonene.

Choose your target: What are you cleaning? Kitchen grease, sticky spills, general grime? This helps you decide how strong you need your cleaner.

Measure D-Limonene : For most everyday cleaning, dilute your D-Limonene product with water. The ratio is roughly 1 part D-Limonene to 3 parts water.

You can always adjust later. Stir the D-Limonene and water mixture with a spoon until well combined.

Patch test: Apply a little of your diluted cleaner to a hidden area of the surface you’re cleaning. No weird reactions? You’re good to go!

Apply & scrub: Spray or wipe the D-Limonene cleaner directly onto surfaces you want to clean. Common areas include kitchen countertops, stovetops, and bathroom surfaces.

Rinse & shine: Rinse the area with clean water to remove any residue. Enjoy your sparkling clean surface!

Important Tips: :

For tougher jobs, you can increase the D-Limonene concentration in your dilution, but do so gradually and cautiously.

Never mix D-Limonene with bleach or other strong chemicals.

Gloves: Consider wearing gloves, especially if you have sensitive skin, as D-Limonene can cause skin irritation in some individuals.

Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation when using the cleaner, especially in enclosed spaces.

With these simple tips, you can harness the power of D-Limonene for easy and effective cleaning! And always prioritize safety by reading labels and exercising caution.

Happy cleaning!


Ratios for cleaning floors, windows, toilets, etc.

Dilution of 1:10 or 1:20 (10% or 5% strength) is optimum for the vast majority of cleaning jobs, including tile floors, kitchens, bathrooms, etc.

All-Purpose Floor Cleaner: Mix 1/4 cup of D-Limonene with 1 gallon of water in a bucket for an effective all-purpose floor cleaner. Mop the floors with this solution for a fresh and clean result.
b) Window and Glass Cleaner: In a spray bottle, combine 1/4 cup of D-Limonene with 1 cup of water. Shake well and use on windows or glass surfaces, wiping with a clean cloth for streak-free shine.

c) Toilet Bowl Cleaner: For toilet cleaning, mix 1/4 cup of D-Limonene with 1 cup of water. Pour the solution into the toilet bowl, scrub with a brush, and let it sit for a few minutes before flushing.

Adjust ratios based on preference and task size.

Always test on a small area first and follow safety guidelines provided on the D-Limonene product.